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What's it Like Being a Spiritual Mind in a Corporate World?

Writer: StephanieStephanie

It's funny, this is a question that I'm not sure if I have heard more out loud in questions from others, or more internally to myself as I brace for another Monday looming in the concrete jungle. Ok, I work from home so that's just a BIT dramatic, but I'm painting a visual here so just go with it! 😂

Let's be honest, I am incredibly grateful and honored to have a great job with an amazing company. I know there are many in corporate America that would kill for my job! I work from home, I am paid well, I have great benefits, and the list goes on. So what the heck am I whining about, right?!?! I don't think I'm whining so much as I am making a statement about what it's like being that "woo-woo" chick on the Zoom calls (did I mention I have a team of 10 reporting to me...imagine what they think? 😂) that hosts a weekly Zen call just so I know everyone has the opportunity to take a 30 minute step-away-from-your-desk moment. Sitting at my desk every day and looking up to see my selenite sphere and candles on the top of my rolltop, then a beautiful stand behind me that holds deck-after-deck of Tarot and Oracle cards, candles, crystals, palo santo, sage, and so much more! I know that I am my own walking contradiction, and I LOVE it! I OWN it! I will even say that I celebrate it!

So how do did I get here and what's in my future? It's much easier to factually answer the first question than it is the latter, but the latter will definitely be more fun as that one is being manifested and worked on every day with enthusiasm! That said, let's start at the beginning...

I was born in 1969....just kidding, definitely

not going THAT far back. How about we pick up after college when I started in the corporate world. My sister and I were intrigued with what my Mom was now doing for work, and we spent a bit of time (like Thanksgiving break) learning from her. We found someone that loved our drive to learn even if we knew next to nothing, and the rest was into the software implementation world we went! We've traveled globally for our jobs, we've travelled to really fancy places in the middle of America that didn't have anywhere to eat after 8:00 and it's all been an adventure, I wouldn't trade a moment of it. What I didn't mention is that in the mid-90's my sister and I also found our spiritual side on a whole new level and at that time we were practicing Wicca. We had our own take on it to be sure, but we loved the elemental work, the feeling of connectedness to those elements and magick (yep, with a "ck"). That corporate world had us quickly sticking those brooms in the closet, and they have kind of stayed there until that last few years. However, we never lost our spirit, so to speak. We would compare stories, talk about paranormal stuff, and share our thoughts on cards we had pulled or something fascinating about the stars. To the world we may have been corporate gals, but we have always known where our hearts lie. Enter Immersive Spirit. ❤️

Natalie and I were finally ready to pull everything out of that closet that stored our goodies for over three decades, and I have to say stuff just tumbled out! Something about being in our 50's, an inspiring trip to Sedona and just being able to hang out together more these days opened the floodgates for us. We jumped in with both feet first and eyes wide open, and it's been like the Nestea plunge from the 70's commercials - refreshing, exhilarating and fun!!! Working with our mentor in her community has driven us to new heights, but now it begs the question of how long can we work two full-time jobs? One that doesn't make a profit (YET!) and the other that has spoiled us rotten financially but doesn't make our hearts soar? Therein lies the rub, how do you successfully transition from the job that literally feeds you to the path that feeds your soul, and not go bankrupt in the process? Can you do what you love and not starve to death in transition?

I have to confess, I am a work in progress on this one but I have a plan and hope to help others that are in the same boat. This varies for everyone and I highly recommend using your resources to see what you need to do as it pertains to your current role and income, and what your long term goals are, but here are some suggestions based on my plan. Keep following us over the next year or two and we'll see how it works! 😁

I should start this by saying that I am not including all the things that we did that were physically business related, such as setting up our LLC, PO Box, phone line, building our website, updating social accounts with our business name, etc. These are all things that you can find on any good checklist online for starting your business. These next steps are more about the emotional and personal journey for me, that "being a spiritual gal in a corporate world" move. The first thing I did once the business side was in alignment and Natalie and I fully embraced our destiny with Immersive Spirit, we each let our direct managers aware of our business and what we do. It was fun as both are super supportive, but half of me (maybe more) believes that they think this is fun hobby for us sisters, but is just that and we'll be around a long time. Oh yeah? Hold my sage and watch this! What's been super fun for me in sharing this at work, albeit to a very limited group, as I have found others that love and celebrate as we do. One of my own employees and I compare the cards we draw in the morning; another was referred to me through someone I had read for previously (not from work) and this referral and I work at the same company - a very small world indeed! Taking this step was a big one for both of us, but it was freeing for me as I no longer feel like I'm keeping anything hidden from anyone, especially myself. A side-step to this, and one that I would highly recommend if you're not doing it already, is shadow work. Delving into the darker side of ourselves or that shadow can be an eye-opening process as you really have to examine yourself. We won't get into that here, but we're happy to help in a coaching or mentoring session if you have questions about how to work through this process.

Next on my list, how's that bank account look? For me, this is by far the scariest part of this whole thing - the fact is, money does make the world go round. It can't buy happiness but you can't pay the mortgage with crystals, either. I see lots of different numbers about how much to save, anywhere from 3-12 months of your current income saved before you make the leap. For me, I'm leaning toward the 12 months of income saved as my partners' business can be cyclical with the busiest months in spring and summer, and that extra padding helps us both. That also ensures that we don't have to tighten the purse strings so much that we feel like we've just moved out of our parent's for the first time, living on Ramen and sitting on the floor. One thing I also need to think about is how we pay for our medical, dental, etc. as we lose the benefit of private healthcare from my current corporate job. Medicare is several years away and even that is not fully comprehensive. And what about life's little emergencies, like if something happens to a family member and you need to travel, the house floods from a burst pipe and insurance won't cover the damage, etc. You don't want to use that savings for emergencies, or you may not have anything saved! Taking all

that into consideration I set a date on my calendar, a goal really, for when my official last day would be at my corporate job. That date is far enough out that it allows me to maintain my life and living the lifestyle I love today, save the funds I know I need to set me up to not fall on my face and think about all the other considerations where money can rear its ugly head and be prepared for those as well. An no, I'm not sharing that date here as who know who will read this, but suffice it to say that's it's been shared with a few, is a few years plus/minus away, and is on the calendar as a hard-stop (you corp peeps get that one)...hopefully a goal I will reach earlier than planned!

The last few things are the fun checklist items that are already in practice! We have Immersive Spirit in place, we're actively doing Readings, helping others with Reiki, involved in paranormal investigations and more, and we are having so much fun! It's just doing all of this in a condensed time frame when we are SO READY to be full-time, it makes the anticipation almost intolerable! But that's part of the blessing, too. We are lucky enough to have this time to build our business, network, work with amazing mentors, and continue to learn as we grow and expand our business. So those two things I'm doing? Think of them as a soft-launch of our business and networking, as that's ultimately what it is. But for me, it's really self-love! I get to do what I love, share with people I love, meet people that love the same things, and do it all with my sister. Isn't that the greatest gift ever? I get to Live in LOVE!

So I know I strayed a bit in topic, but it's how my mind works between my spiritual and corporate half, so really I've been right on point. I hope that you find the humor and emotion in this, and if this is you as well reach out, we're happy to help! ❤️

In Laugher, Love & Light,




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